We started going to playcentre on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Bella and Charlie just love it!
It is kinda like a co-op playschool. If you are in SC, it is just like together in the park except it is not at a park it is in it's own facility. There is no structure. The children
are free to explore as they please.
There is an indoor area and an outdoor area with tons and tons of toys!! The moms (or mums here!!) take turns helping out setting up and cleaning up each day. There is always painting, playdough, bubbles, collage making, clay, water table, chalk and tons more. All the things that you don't want to do in your own house!!!
The kids absolutely love it! Both Bella and Charlie usually paint first then go on to other things. Bella loves the train table and carpentry station. Charlie loves the bubbles and water table.
It is so much fun. The people there are so nice. One day while we were there Bella looked at me and said "I love my new friends!!" It was so great to hear because just last week she sa
id to Bill "my friends don't come over anymore"
So I know this is the best thing for her. As for Charlie, he pretty much runs around for two hours and then sleeps for three at home! Can't ask for anything better than that!!!
1 comment:
B & B...
Wow, what fun the children are having in NZ, a beautiful place to experience so much. Looks like they are having fun doing everything! Think mom is enjoying it too. We were in Dunedin briefly one day..a great place.
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