Charlie is a pretty laid back, easy going guy. He is so sweet and loving and usually does whatever you ask him to do and doesn't get into much trouble....
Today was not a typical day. We were all not feeling well so had a pretty quiet day. After nap and quiet time the kids were getting ready to go out in the backyard because it was unusually warm today and we wanted to take advantage of that.
I asked Charlie to put a step stool away in the bathroom. He did but then was very quiet. I asked him what he was doing and he said "playing in the bath" I walked in and there he was splashing pee that was in his little potty! Apparently Bella had gone pee in his potty instead of the toilet, Charlie found it and decided to have a little fun!! ARGGGHH!!!
We got cleaned up and went outside. the kids were having a great time. It had rained recently so there was a lot of mud which always makes the backyard more fun. They were running around and playing hide and seek...so cute! I went in the house to check on some laundry. Bella came running in saying that Charlie was playing with dirty water. I ran outside and found him underneath the deck, his face, shirt and hands covered in mud and he was holding a beer bottle that he found under there!!!(not ours, of course) I quickly picked him up, brought him in the house to wash him off. When I was cleaning him off, I smelled something funny. I leaned in to smell the "mud" on his face and it smelled a lot like poop!! I was so disgusted! I scrubbed his face and hands and rinsed out his mouth! There is a cat that likes to poop in our yard so....I just don't even want to think about it....
My sweet little well behaved baby is turning into a two year old boy!!!!!! YIKES!!!!